BDE Jurassic Zeta

Rawr through a new era with Jurassic Zeta


The last party of 2021!

Our mascot won the dance battle against BSB's Lion!

(our dino is the best)

Thanksgiving dinner

Many thanks to all participants!
This traditional dinner was a success!
All the BDE wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.

Halloween party

Halloween was insane! Thank you all for being present and coming with a costume 👻

Godfather and
GodMother party

First party of the year!
You were all on fire!
Did you find who was on the picture ? ;)

Houses scores

Last challenge : meme
Current challenge :
Cheerleaders dance

last update : 11/30

CEFAM 2021-2022 BDE

Created in July 2021 by students of CEFAM University, the association Jurassic Zeta isThe new “Bureau des étudiants” of the school. At the end of the recruitment 15 serious, ambitious and really motivated students will be members, in order to join our forces for one main goal, the development of the student's life post COVID.

© BDE JurassicZeta. All rights reserved.